About The Podcast

Film School is a podcast based on the very simple premise that the single most important education a film maker/actor/writer/story teller can receive is watching great movies.
We, Josh and Ira, are your fellow students.
Our first mission is to watch through the AFI’s Top 100 Films of all time. We’re certainly not the first people to embark in this adventure, but how many of us STILL to this day look at that list and feel embarrassed by how many of those movies we still haven’t seen? We did when we started!
On the podcast, we start by preparing to watch the film, then we sit down and watch the film together (in the same room at the same time—madness, we know!) with some beers, whisky, and pizzas in hand, and then break it down together afterwards, along with some research, which we switch off between us.
Join us in our quest to become better storytellers, and to have a damn fun time doing it.
We sincerely hope you enjoy the podcast 🙂