Episode #052
Saving Private Ryan
“Tell me I’m a good man.” Spielberg’s war epic stars Tom Hanks as the leader of a company of WWII soldiers tasked with tracking down a man they’ve never met so they can send him home. It features some truly spectacular battle footage that arguably hasn’t been equaled to this day. It also features some performances that are impossible to forget. It’s nearly 3 hours long, so buckle up, and let’s try to answer the question of just what we’re doing out there fighting, and what would make it worth it to save Private Ryan.

This is the Best film that ever been made in History about the World War 2, and spesially because of the D-day, and Steven Spielberg, is the King of Hollywood, when it comes to realistic scenes, human thoughts, how faces reacton on different situasions, and the fantastic war scenes with guns, shooting, and human effort to reach their goal. I have seen the film, 9 times, and gonna see it ten more, I think.
I have been a PropertyMaster for Film and Theater in Norway for 50 years, and know what is layning behind this Masterpiece.
I should really wish to shake Steven Spielberg hand, and thank him for this Histroic Trasure !!!!!